Day 1
A) Warmup
3x Mobility Drill
3 Rounds of
10 Airsquats
10 Push-Ups
10 Rows
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10sec 3rd world stretch
10sec Pigeon Stretch
10sec Instep Stretch
B) Technique
2×2 Turkish Get-Up no weights – focus on the movement
2×3; 2×2; 2×1 Turkish Get-Up – take easy weights, focus technique; dumbbells also possible
odd: 4 Scaled Pistols
even: 3 Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
C) Conditioning
3 Rounds of
5 Barbell Complex 60% of 1RM Front Squats
Max unbroken Push-Ups; try the same reps each rounds
Rest 30sec
scale: 1st Rest more max 60 secs, 2nd decrease weights
Day 2
A) Warmup
3x Mobility Drill
3 Rounds of
10 Airsquats
10 Push-Ups
10 Rows
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10sec 3rd world stretch
10sec Pigeon Stretch
10sec Instep Stretch
B) Movement Prep
3 Rounds of
20 sec 2-Arm Dead Hang
10 sec 1-Arm Dead Hang
10 sec Pulled 2-Arm Dead Hang
5 sec Pulled 1-Arm Dead Hang
Rest as needed
5x Tea Cup drill double Arm
C) Conditioning – Dips
Do a Cluster-Set
Day 3
A) Warmup
3x Mobility Drill
3 Rounds of
10 Airsquats
10 Push-Ups
10 Rows
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10sec 3rd world stretch
10sec Pigeon Stretch
10sec Instep Stretch
15 Pulldowns – straight Arms
B) Time for muscle pump
4xMax Pull-Ups
2×10 Deadlifts + 15 Back Squats
3×8 One Arme Bent over Row
2×8 Back Extensions
2×8 Rev. Flys
3×10 Biceps Curls
2×8 Hammer Curls
Work without muscle failure – ohne Muskelversagen arbeiten!
Day 4
A) Warmup
3 Rounds of
1 Mobility Drill
1 Squat Mobility Drill
10 Airsquats
10 Push-Ups
10 Rows
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10sec 3rd world stretch
10sec Pigeon Stretch
10sec Instep Stretch
15 Pulldowns with straight arms
B) Conditioning
Leg Lactate Complex
3 Rounds of
20sec Touch Jump Touch
20sec Tuck Hold
20sec Bag Hop
20sec Tuck Hold
20sec Thrusters 15/10
Rest 60sec
Rest 4 mins
Rowsprint 1000
Rest 4 mins
Leg Lactate Complex
3 Rounds of
20sec Touch Jump Touch
20sec Tuck Hold
20sec Bag Hop
20sec Tuck Hold
20sec Thrusters 15/10
Rest 60sec