Day 1
A) Warmup
3x Mobility Drill
3 Rounds of
10 Airsquats
10 Push-Ups
10 Rows
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10sec 3rd world stretch
10sec Pigeon Stretch
10sec Instep Stretch
B) Technique
Focus on Squat technique and Glute activation
10x Monkey Squat Mobility Drill
5x Squat Execution Drill
5x Front Rack to High Ellbow per Side
5x Loaded Ancle Drill
rest as needed
3 Rounds of
3x Box Squats 50%
3x Sit Release High Jumps
5x Hip Thrusts
C) Conditioning
10 Push-Ups
10 Tuck Jumps
scale: Push-Ups on knees
score: should be about 7+ Rounds
Day 2
A) Warmup
3x Mobility Drill
3 Rounds of
10 Airsquats
10 Push-Ups
10 Rows
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10sec 3rd world stretch
10sec Pigeon Stretch
10sec Instep Stretch
B) Movement Prep
3 Rounds of
20 sec 2-Arm Dead Hang
10 sec 1-Arm Dead Hang
10 sec Pulled 2-Arm Dead Hang
5 sec Pulled 1-Arm Dead Hang
Rest as needed
C) Conditioning – Pull-Ups
Do a Cluster-Set
Day 3
A) Warmup
3x Mobility Drill
3 Rounds of
10 Airsquats
10 Push-Ups
10 Rows
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10sec 3rd world stretch
10sec Pigeon Stretch
10sec Instep Stretch
15 Pulldowns – straight Arms
B) Time for muscle pump
4×20 Back Squats
12, 10, 8, 8 Bench Press
3×10 Pull Over / Überzüge
4×10 Pos. Bench Press
8, 10, 12 Military Press
3×8 Front Raises
3xAMRAP Dips
Work without muscle failure – ohne Muskelversagen arbeiten!
Day 4
A) Warmup
3 Rounds of
1 Mobility Drill
1 Squat Mobility Drill
10 Airsquats
10 Push-Ups
10 Rows
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10sec 3rd world stretch
10sec Pigeon Stretch
10sec Instep Stretch
15 Pulldowns with straight arms
B) Conditioning
5 Rounds of
15 Dumbbell Front Squats
5 Scotty Bob Complex (1 Rep = Push-Up, Row in Plank left, Push-Ups, Row in Plank right)
5 mins Rest
5 Rounds of
6 Sumodeadlift Highpulls 24/16
6 Liniensprints (ca 7m)
Cash Out
25 Burpees